Historical Examples of Jihad
Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past; for human events ever resemble those of preceding times. - Machiavelli Global jihad is not a new phenominon, nor is it extreme in context with Islamic history. With the texts we've already reviewed taken into consideration, this should no longer surprise us. No Muslim should rest until all disbelievers convert, pay the tax in humiliation recognizing the superiority of Islam, or die. And consistant throughout history are examples of faithful Muslims who have lived and died for this cause, starting and ending with the apostle of God himself, Muhammad. In terms of murder, torture, ethnic cleansing, and all the other crimes Muhammad gave religious mandate to, Islam as an ideology far eclipses all of the more notorious ideologies that once scourged the world, including National Socialism (Nazism) and Communism, which is responsible for more than 100 million murders and the displacement of untold millions more. We defeated Nazism and Communism, on a historical scale, rather quickly, because they were mere ideologies in which the greatest those of whom lived under them had to fear was the state. The state could only kill you; it couldn't send you to hell for all eternity, nor could it grant you everlasting bliss. Islam has and will continue to endure because it is a religion; it is a religion that controls all aspects of life and manners of thinking. It supresses logic, rational and critical thinking, often punishing those guilty of it. Nothing has happened to Islam that has changed the way Islam is practiced, leading to this fictional new fascist tyranny; the only thing that has changed is, during our historical memory which is by nature minute, the Middle East was decolonized giving birth to Islamic states for the first time in decades, along with the discovery of oil in the region providing the mujahedin with the funding to arm and carry out jihad. Before the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1914, jihad was alive and well as a global scourge for many centuries previous, starting with the wars of the Rightly Guided (the immediate successors to Muhammad as ruler of the Islamic state). |